Monday, 16 November 2009


Deleting all but first two fields in each line of a CSV File

In a csv file full of lines such
16 Prop_Description Property description, String 1000
(note that this is actually a space separated csv)

:%s#\(\d\+ \w\+\).*#\1#g

filters out all but the field number and name eg

16 Prop_Description

a regexp for normal comma separated csv would be

"fred joe","sue","good boy



Sunday, 15 November 2009


VIM working with Paste Commands

The paste buffer is usually the easiest way to transfer text between VIM and another application.

" Redirection & Paste register *
:redir @* : redirect commands to paste buffer
:redir END : end redirect
:redir >> out.txt : redirect to a file
" Working with Paste buffer
"*yy : yank current line to paste
"+y} : yank to end of paragraph
"+yi{ : yank current paragraph
"*p : insert from paste buffer
" yank to paste buffer (ex mode)
:'a,'by* : Yank range into paste
:%y* : Yank whole buffer into paste
:.y* : Yank Current line to paster
" filter non-printable characters from the paste buffer
" useful when pasting from some gui application
:nmap p :let @* = substitute(@*,'[^[:print:]]','','g')"*pr

Sunday, 8 November 2009


Command Line Window q: or q/

One of original great improvements of VIM over Classic Vi was the ability to reuse/edit/correct commands laboriously typed in, you had only simple line edit commands available to do this, normally perfectly sufficient of course. However you can also open a command line window to gain full vim command line editing commands:-

Note these are normal-mode commands!
Creates a small window of your most recent commands

Creates a small window of your most recent searches

hitting "return" will execute whatever line you are editing

to close/leave the command window without executing the current line use :quit


Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Using CVS with VIM

I'm now using the CVS that comes with Cygwin and the CVS plugin for VIM

and the plugin

I used to save backups to a directory with a timestamp appended to the filename.

Now I'll have a proper system with version control, difference between version etc

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